Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Country study

For topic we have been doing Country Study. My country is a small country in the Caribbean called Grenada its known for it's spices and amazing beach called "Grande Anse" Image result for what is the best beach in grenada

It's flag has a description about the country. The red means courage and the yellow means wisdom and warmth and a bit of green for vegetation, The left green triangle features a small nutmeg, the gold stars represents the capital St. George.
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Friday, 2 September 2016

Term 3, Week 6 Reflection

This week in class we have been...

Making nets in maths of different shapes such as a rectangle. In maths Miss Power called up me Brayden, Nina and Sam in this group I learnt more about the Clarifying and Predicting in maths.

In reading we have been going to the library every Wednesday whether you issue a book or just read one we also have been doing activity's in the library where we need to find different books from the Dewey decimal system.

In art we have been doing our tie dye t-shirts mine is... Well it's Different but I still had a lot of fun making it.

For Topic we have been doing our Country Study my country study is on a small country in the Caribbean called Grenada it is mostly known for its amazing beach and spices.

Thanks for reading ? :)